6 steps to create an amazing Customer Experience Strategy


January 11, 2020



Customer experience is one of the main factors that determine whether or not audiences will engage with your brand and become loyal customers.


Our program includes six useful steps to create an amazing customer experience strategy.



1.     Experience Design & Improvement


Implementing practices and approaches to continuously improve, design and differentiate customer experiences.


Mission includes:


·       Have a clear understanding of your customers and the situations that you customers face and create accurate buyer personas which are profiles that represent a common group of audience

·       Establish and follow a well-defined design process each time an experience is created orchanged

·       Use customer insights to define and prioritize experience requirements and opportunities for improvement

·       Use journey mapping to improve most relevant moments of truth

·       Assess, document, track and report resolution of experience gaps across touch points

·       Identify interdependencies across people, process and technology that impact design of the customer experience

·       Use iterative ideation and prototyping (e.g. design thinking) to engage customers and employees in the co-creation of enhanced or innovative experiences

Customer Journey Template


2.     Customer-Centric Culture


Creating and nurturing a culture, through behaviors, practices and standards that encourages all employees to focus on delivering outstanding customer experiences.


Mission includes:


·       Make reachability and Customer Service a priority no matter what channel they choose to be on

·       Improve purchase convenience and offer a seamless experience

·       Drive employee engagement and involvement - from the front line to executive suite

·       Develop and deliver ongoing CX interaction training to employees

·       Develop communication strategies and tactics to share the importance of CX to employees, customers and the company

·       Collect and share stories of CX excellence at your company


3.     Voice of Customer (VoC), Customer Insight and Understanding


Building collective insight into customer needs, wants, perceptions, and preferences through the capture and analysis of the voice of the customer.


Mission includes:


·       Design and implement voice of customer programs (solicited through surveys, focusgroups, communities, customer care, social media monitoring, etc.)

·       Collect unsolicited experience feedback from customers (by mining calls, web data, emails, etc.)

·       Gather input from employees about customer experiences and opportunities for improvement

·       Analyze VOC feedback drawn across sources to identify customer pain points and opportunities to improve and differentiate

·       Identify and map major customer touch points in the customer experience (customer experience journey mapping)


4.     Organizational Adoption and Accountability


Driving change and developing cross-company experience accountability from the C-suite to the front line.


Mission includes:


·       Align business goals with customer-focused culture

·       Maintain a dedicated list of top customer experience improvements including which senior executive is accountable for resolution

·       Embed customer experience impact as a criterion for all business and investment decisions

·       Introduce new processes and tools to improve customer experience

·       Work across departments and organizations to improve customer experience

·       Regularly review CX metrics and feedback at all levels of the organization



5.     Customer Experience Strategy


Development of a strategy that articulates a clear vision of the experience that the company seeks to create in support of the company’s mission, vision and brand values, including its direct linkage to CX activities, resources and investments.


Mission includes:


·       Define a customer experience strategy that describes the intended customer experience, its linkage to overall corporate and its alignment with the organization’s brand values and attributes

·       Develop experience principles and specific employee behaviors and interactions that reflect brand values and organizational mission

·       Articulate the operating plan, investments and tactics for programmatic components of the CX strategy

·       Communicate and engage employees at all levels of the organization in the elements of the CX Strategy

·       Develop an emotional connection with your audience to create an effective customer experience strategy



6.     Metrics, Measurement and ROI


Creation and reporting of the measures of CX success including their use in business cases to illustrate the ROI and business value of customer experience.


Mission includes:


·       Identify key CX metrics for tracking experience quality, satisfaction and loyalty (NPS, CSAT, ambassadors, detractors, …)

·       Develop framework and linkage of improved experiences to business outcomes (growth, attrition, profitability, etc.)

·       Develop infrastructure and mechanisms to capture CX data (surveys, operational data, customer behavior, word of mouth, financial performance, etc.)

·       Analyze and interpret results to derive customer insights and performance trends

·       Report results, insights and recommended actions to improve


These are the steps involved in our program to create an amazing customer experience strategy. We help you to keep making improvements to your strategy based on analytics insights and customer feedback.


360 Research can support in your efforts to listen to your clients, actively collect and analyze feedback, identify trends, and look for opportunities to adapt your strategy according to the changing needs of your audience.

Topics : Customer Experience Strategy, Customer Journey Mapping (CJM), Customer Experience Program, Voice of Customers (VoC), Personas, CX, CEM, CSAT, CES, NPS

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6 steps to create an amazing Customer Experience Strategy

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